Rated/Unrated and more


Chess Time now supports UnRated games, these are friendly games that will not impact your rating within Chess Time.  The wins / loss counts and rating graph are not changed from the result of these games.

[R] = A rated game.    [U] = An unrated game.


Games in Chess Time can go on for a long time.  Sometimes a player forgets to move until it is too late, and will be resigned from the Game.  Now there is a menu open to re-open these games and allow it to continue at the last position.  The person that was waiting is provided the re-open option.  The person that did not move does not have the option,


A game can be ruined when a player makes a quick move, in some cases we have received feature requests to allow take back.  This new feature provides the player to ask the opponent to take back the last move.   Note: There is an anti-abuse mechanism included so if you ask and get denied too many times you will not back to ask again for that game. 


Now you can swap sides during the game.  This feature is only allowed if both players are set as friends.


Are you at an interesting point in a game, like to try a different tactic, now it is possible to clone the game to have 2 games at the same position with the same player.  This feature is only allowed if both players are set as friends.